Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Liberal Agenda

People complain that "progressives" don't have a platform. Here's one list of beliefs ascribed to liberals. Interestingly, all but one of these are based, at least in part, on rational thought.

SAVE THE: Environment. Humans rape, plunder and pollute the earth with little thought for the future.

SAVE THE: Ozone layer. Our chemicals and emissions damage this protective layer of our atmosphere.

SAVE THE: Caribou and Alaskan wilderness from destruction by the oil industry. (Why is it so easy to complain about dependence on foreign oil, but we refuse to allow an increase in local oil and nuclear energy, and just can't get any other energy sources going either? Just asking!)

SAVE THE: Wetlands. Not only habitat for water foul and other wildlife, but protection for our cities. ( The drowning of New Orleans was the fault of big oil and the government)

SAVE THE: Parks. We have millions and millions of protected square miles within our borders. Mountains, deserts, forests, prairies, the works. We need more! And they must be protected from the use of humans at all costs.

SAVE THE: Americans from corrupt oil companies, big businesses, gun lobbies, religion and the crooked government.

SAVE THE: Whales from the whaling industry and injury from sonar equipment.

SAVE THE: Fish from pollution from industries and oil tankers.

SAVE THE: Animals from laboratory testing of any kind, from abuse and from the fur makers.

SAVE THE: Poor and elderly. Our system made them and holds them in their situation. We must provide for them.

SAVE THE: Criminals. Again, we created them. It's not their fault. There should be no death penalty. It's immoral to kill someone for any reason. Their rights and comfort must be protected way beyond those of their victims.

SAVE THE: Enemies. Terrorists only react to our crimes. The world leaders who slaughter their own are of no consequence to us. Their threats against us are meaningless. When we go to war, it's our fault. Innocent civilians are only killed by us. Insurgents are our friends. All death and destruction from war is the fault of our president and that makes him a murderer. Excuse all members of congress who approved war, but have since come to their senses and speak out against it.

SAVE THE: Government. All branches of government are infested with criminals. But the only ones who's offenses matter are the ones who's political philosophy is right of center. They must be vilified at every opportunity, while we protect the reputation of our "own."

BUT DON'T SAVE THE: Embryo and fetus. They are just worthless tissue. They can be destroyed for any reason with no thought of responsibility. They can be cut up and experimented on, ripped to shreds with instruments, burned with solutions and have their brains sucked out. It doesn't matter because we have decreed that there is no life there. We ignore the beating heart, the working circulatory and nervous systems, the response to light, touch and other stimuli, the complete genetic profile, the promise of life and the future of our species.

For all the talk about saving everything and making sure every living thing has rights and protection, thinking of the future for our children and their children's children, we have decided that the only thing in this world that has no rights and is entirely expendable is the unborn child. The very seed of our existence, joy of our lives and hope for our future is a "lifeless glob of cells."
So much for the liberal agenda!