Tuesday, August 31, 2010

'9/11 Christians' Plan Their Own Church Near Ground Zero

Intolerance and hate have no place on the grounds of 9-11. So many nationalities, races, religions and other groups lost loved ones there. It should be a shrine to those who fell, and to the indomitable spirit of Americans to band together in any disaster and move forward.

For one group to claim a piece of the real estate while they express h@te and intolerance, especially one who claims to be followers of the icon of love and forgiveness, is to sp!t on the memory of our fallen loved ones and those qualities that make America great.

Muslims who want to build a center where the whole community can come together deserve our support far more than this gang of fake Christians.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Godfried Danneels, Belgian Cardinal, Offered To Keep Sex Abuse Case Quiet Until Bishop's Retirement

You're right, there are many, of all faiths, who find meaning, comfort, joy in something higher, spiritual. There are also some who prey on others, and use religion as a tool to find or control their victims. And you can often tell which type of person they are by their actions.

It's not the gospel of Christ or religion that causes abuse. That's entirely a human trait. We've seen what happens when people like that get into positions of authority, whether on a local or global level, whether secular or religious. Just don't let their actions sour your faith. There are plenty of us who keep looking forward with hope, looking up for comfort & guidance, and looking inward for change. In this crazy, mixed up world, it's more important than ever to nurture our faith.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sharron Angle Won't Disavow Claim That Some Members Of Congress Are 'Domestic Enemies'

It makes me nauseous to think that I agree with Angle on something. Congress sold our voice to the lobbies years ago. And every year corporations dump millions into their coffers to keep their relationship strong. So strong that Congress regularly turns their backs on the citizens, ruins lives, undermines the country and gives themselves a collective pat on the back for a job well done. If that doesn't qualify them as enemies of the people, I don't know what does.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Glenn Beck Rally Will Be Like Moon Landing, Wright Brothers, & Rosa Parks All Rolled Into One Massive Orgasm Of American History

"Glenn Beck Rally Will Be Like Moon Landing, Wright Brothers, & Rosa Parks All Rolled Into One Massive Orgasm Of American History"

In other words the rally will be from another planet, barely get off the ground, taken away on a bus, and a self-induced euphoria for Beck's own history of hyperphenating into a microphone.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Michael Enright Charged With Hate Crime: Ahmed Sharif, Muslim Cab Driver, Attacked For Religion

The way we define a hate crime, it's almost like one life is more valuable than another. Used to be the heinous nature of a crime made it worse, now all we have to do is assign a race or gender difference and it automatically becomes the ugliest offense, with folks more insistent about seeing justice served. I think we should be more consistent with all criminals and less prone to react on our differences alone. Most crimes involve some kind of hate. Justice should be meted out by what they do, not by what we think their intention was.
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UFOs 'On The Record': Generals, Pilots And Government Officials Talk About What They Know (PHOTOS)

Everybody has a cell phone with a camera, lots of folks carry expensive photography equipment, and groups are devoting their lives and careers to searching for intelligent life. Yet all the pictures are blurry, uncorroborated by other cameras at the same time, and the specialists are still searching. And no contact. Hmmmm....
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Teen Hearing Loss: 1-In-5 U.S. Teenagers Has Slight Hearing Loss

It doesn't take an "expert" to suspect hearing loss from headphones and car speakers. Heck, my Schnauzer could figure that out. Here's how it went when I was a kid:

Dad: Turn down the music.

Me: What?

Dad: Turn it down right now

Me: What?


Me: What?
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Aerial Surveillance Used To Enforce Laws

Every so often, it's good to look up, smile for the cameras and flip them off.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gen. David Petraeus Cites Progress In Afghanistan, Hedges On July 2011 Troop Withdrawal

"Never Ending Progress"

In civilian terms that's like saying a "little bit pregnant."
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Pill That Shapes Fetus Genitalia Cuts Chances Of Homosexuality In Girls

If anyone is capable of unconditional love, it would be God. We're the ones who are imperfect. We show misunderstanding, intolerance, and try to define larger things in limited terms. We make enemies of each other over things that shouldn't matter... gay/straight, religion, politics, race, nationality, and a host of other "differences". When someone comes out, they often lose friends, siblings and even parents and family ties. I can't imagine how a parent could stop loving their child and be so cruel. For us to really develop a relationship with God, we have to learn to drop the the enmity with each other. Refusing to do that is turning our backs to love, faith, society and all kinds of growth and happiness.

Fanned and fav'd
About Health
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Philip Markoff, Alleged Craigslist Killer, Found DEAD, Commits Suicide In Jail Cell

Some people are in so much physical or emotional pain they feel there's no other way. They're not cowards. They need our empathy and help before it gets to that point. The ones who ARE cowards are those who choose suicide instead of being found out, caught or punished. And the ones who still have control and should be thinking about their loved ones and the pain they'll feel instead of wallowing in their own self pity.

Big difference between wanting out and being clinically depressed or overwhelmed with pain. Ability to think cognitively or not. Markoff made his bed and wanted out of it. Coward. I know others who struggled valiantly until they couldn't stand the pain anymore.
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Nancy Grace Donating Book Proceeds: 'I've Been Pretty Mean...So This May Be My Only Ticket To Heaven'

Nancy Grace: "And she's buying a stairway to heaven."
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chris Dodd, Top Democrat, Fights Against Elizabeth Warren

Of all the people in the country, Warren is the one they need to give the reins, and the authority to knock heads.

She clearly understands what's going on, who's involved, and what needs to be done. She cares about the truth and the interests of citizens. She has guts and integrity. No one can be trusted more. If you want to see grown men quake over their dirty hands and secrets deals, mention her name and a position of authority in the same sentence.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, August 09, 2010

The End of Times: Do Scientists and Fundamentalists Concur?

Every few years we get a prophecy of doom. Fundies and evangelicals seem to alternate to a schedule with scientists over who gets to be the spokesman. Meteors, sunspots, freezing, earthquakes, hurricanes, lifestyles, evil, wars, disease, ..............

I believe in both science and religion. (Yes, you can do that) I choose to live in hope, not fear, of the future. So no matter who the current voice is behind the Chicken Little mask, it doesn't take me long to change the channel.

Realistically, disasters happen all the time. There's more than enough out there to be paranoid of, let alone some global catastrophe that somebody thinks might happen, over which we have no control. What's the point? Just be prepared for stuff that's more likely and let the rest go. Make the most of our lives while we can. The Bible says no one knows, and warns of many false prophets who say they do. Looks like they were right about that.
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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Tony Perkins: Prop. 8 Judge Should Have Recused Himself Because Of His Sexuality

Let's see... don't like a flawless opinion, check. Don't like the law, check. Don't like being schooled on human rights, check. Having trouble with tolerance even though unfeigned love is supposed to be the basis for your faith, career and life, check. Case of homophobia driving you to act in an antisocial manner, check.

Looks like you have 3 choices... repent and become a better person, drop the charade and come out of the closet, or the typical, no-brain loser approach... call the judge names and try to ruin his life with malicious gossip. Just how much integrity DO you have, sir?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Brian May, Guitarist for Queen, Discovers 150-Year-Old Photos Of An English Village -- In Stereo Vision

May has always married art and technology. He and his dad built his guitar from scratch, the one with the famous sound. And nobody plays Queen like Brian May. Every bit as unique and gifted as Mercury, but with a different set of "vocal chords."

I'm anxious to get this book and find out what he saw when he first laid eyes on those pictures,and how he enhanced their magic through the rest of the project.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost