Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dianne Feinstein Cites Support For Assault Weapons Ban (VIDEO)

The terms "assault weapon" and "military style" are way too vague. Who defines what's included? Lots of guns could be called that and banned. It could also be tied up in costly lawsuits for years. This is NOT the way to handle responsible gun control. We need to focus on prevention though background checks and mental health issues, and do something that will actually affect criminals... better coordinating of investigations and harsh, mandatory sentences for gun crimes. We also need to address the animosity we have for each other. Instead of being Americans first, we treat each other like enemies over issues, party, religion, and every other difference. Until we change that, our children will continue to grow up in an atmosphere that breeds violence. Passing a quick law to ban something is a bandaid. Lip service to look like you're doing something about the problem, and allotting a bunch of tax dollars that could be used more productively doing almost anything else. Makes no difference in why some do the things they do or how they get away with it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

The Fiscal Cliff Sparks Anger Among Conservatives (SLIDESHOW)

It never matters to Congress what the people need or what's the honorable, responsible course of action. Nor does it matter that they rarely, if ever, actually do the job they were elected to do. Yet they have no trouble hoovering salary, perks, retirement, health care, protection from their actions while they strut, play party games, bend over for corporations and special interest, and treat half of the country like foul, bitter enemies. Just once I'd like to see them put away the fake animosity, stop the rhetoric, sit down at the table, discuss the actual needs of the people, agree and shake hands. Just do their job. But then, I guess that's expecting too much. On the other hand, we have the best congress money can buy!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost