Thursday, December 30, 2010

A New Year's Resolution for the Rich

It's interestin­g that in a pointed article on wealth and financial ruin, you find it necessary to take potshots at the faith of folks as if that's the root of all evil and not the human characteri­stics that cause some to dominate and take advantage of others, some to mindlessly work and support and others to crumble and fall by the wayside.

We will never solve our problems by feeding the already frenzied "us vs them" battles going on between what should be neighbors and fellow citizens. Congress is too busy burying their noses in the wallets and posteriors of corporatio­ns to care what happens to us. Our only chance is to work together. To once again develop a voice and make it heard. That will never happen as long as we squabble over what unprovable things we choose to believe or not or where we find our own meaning in life instead of focusing on the problems that affect us all and drag us down as a nation into ruin and anarchy.

How can we fix greed, apathy, power-mong­ering, hopelessne­ss, crime, intoleranc­e and a host of other character flaws that have taken us over? Not by condemning each other or telling each other what we should or shouldn't believe.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday 2010: Holiday Shopping Season Kicks Off

Stayed up and fought the crowds and sneaky stores once. That convinced me that Black Friday should be spent doing anything but shopping. Why stand in line all night for Best Buy and get trampled & gouged trying to grab that gift when you can sit home all cozy in your jammies, just press "Add to Cart" on your computer and be done with it? Or waste all night at Wally World only to find out the good stuff was hidden away and assigned to a select few before the sale began. Is saving a few bucks really worth all the aggravation? The hours standing in lines? Getting pushed around by folks getting more angry and impatient by the second?
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Thursday, November 11, 2010

<em>With God on Our Side</em> -- Christian Zionism Exposed

It's interesting how much over-generalization there usually is when discussing Christians, Evangelicals or Jews, let alone an issue that involves them all. We take for granted that the loudest and most prominent voices represent everyone in a category. There are more varieties of Christians than paint samples at Sherwin Williams. Most live quiet lives with varying degrees of faith and adherence to tenets of their church. And those who claim to be "God's voice" are often so far removed from the things Jesus taught he wouldn't recognize them.

I'm a Christian, and have done my share of teaching others in years past, but I don't look at the Jews as a stepping stone in my quest to bring the end of days closer. I revere the people and places where the gospel first developed. They helped set the stage for the birth and life of my Savior. Their history and stories can have value in our lives. I look at the Jews as neighbors, human beings like us. Also as a society who were once "chosen and blessed" but have become a "hiss and a byword" just as the scriptures predicted. It shouldn't have to be that way. I don't have any agenda for promoting Armageddon. I'd much rather see folks come to their senses, shake hands and sit down at the table to work things out.

Christian, Atheist, Jew... labels to call attention to differences and ignore how we should all work together.
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Friday, November 05, 2010

Aretha Franklin Cancels Appearances Through May

In her prime Franklin was the queen. People change over the years, though. Now she can't sing, and with all these health issues it appears she's being displayed by her handlers purely for the money. Aging stars and comeback careers. There's something to be said for nostalgia. But Aretha's legacy stand on its own. Parading her for the crowds and cameras now only chips away at the memory of her monumental earlier work.

She had it all and retired with it. The total opposite of those Whitney types who had it all and snorted it away. Let the magic of the past be. Now's the time for healing and living. Much better to remember her as a giant in the music industry, and one who later struggled with physical problems courageously and even valiantly, rather than one who struggles to carry a tune in a bucket.
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Nick Cannon: Chelsea Handler Is Angry, Ugly White Trash

You aren't the only one whose ancestors were abused. A number of groups were. And yet, you and I, and everyone else here have it so much easier now because of their sacrifices and struggles to live free. You have never been a slave. I have never been mobbed and k!l led for my beliefs. Others here haven't been slaughtered simply because someone else wanted their land, or put in camps and gassed.

While we are the products of our heritage, we are not our ancestors. To wear their pain on our sleeves is to ignore what they dreamed of for their children and grandchildren. It's a slap in the face of their dignity. Keeping alive the h@te that they endured is sick, destructive and would surely have them turning in their graves.
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Sunday, October 17, 2010

GLAAD Fires Back At Vince Vaughn Over 'Gay' Remark

It's a freakin joke. Comedians tell them all the time, about themselves, gays, races, sexes, everything. My gay son used it himself the other night. If we can't laugh a little at life, our situation, etc, what's the point? Life is so much better when we put away our pretenses and have even a little sense of humor. If Vaughan wanted to offend folks I'm sure he could have done a better job.

If we're gonna start getting outraged over the least things we better get prepared to bury an amendment and put a muzzle on every comedian, talk show host, disk jockey, politician, and a whole lot of other people. Wouldn't it be better to save the battle for things said and done with malice, and let the small stuff go? It's ok to laugh a little (a lot is even better) and get down off our high horses once in awhile.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The NRA Is Wrong Again

We have a habit of finding a scapegoat to blame our problems on. When the scapegoat du jour is an inanimate object, it's easy to say our troubles will all go away if we get rid of them. Take, for example, hammers. When confronted with the case of Maxwell and his Silver Hammer, one could say it never would have happened if we had only outlawed them. We don't stop to think about carpenters around the world who use them every day with positive results. But I digress...

Our real problem is multi-layered and has nothing to do weapons. It's "Us vs Them." We take our differences and turn them into battlegrounds. Dems vs Reps, Atheists vs Christians, Rich vs Poor, Science vs Religion, and any of a million other things. If there's a difference, we expand it. If there's a disparity, we blame someone else. We rarely, if ever, take responsibility for our own situation or our future.

So here we sit, feeling tense and miserable about (enter your problem here). Unsatisfied. Hopeless. Blaming someone or something. In that condition some muddle through, some fade away, some rise up and some strike out. McVeigh used fertilizer. If only we had outlawed that a little sooner, or passed laws preventing people from getting it.

Instead of blaming an object for our woes, let's each take responsibility for ourselves, stop vilifying each other, and work on making our communities better places to live.
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 11 Anniversary Stained By Politics And Prejudice

More Muslims lost their lives in the twin towers than caused them to come down. More Christians lead quiet lives trying to live their faith than march as b! gots. Yet we all get so uptight about the few cr@ck pots we overgeneralize, lump them all into a category and blame the whole group for something they had nothing to do with.

Treating our own neighbors like enemies over a civic center that could benefit everyone in the community! Blaming all Christians for the actions of a few antisocial nuts! Blaming all Muslims for an act of terrorism not condoned by Islam and performed by a handful of radicals.

As long as we keep our us vs. them mindset over all our differences, we'll foster intolerance and fear, let chaos rule the cities, states and country, and inspire those who would commit acts of terrorism and treason, from outside our borders and within.
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Sunday, September 05, 2010

Iraq Combat Continues: Despite Formal End, U.S. Joins Baghdad Battle

When this all started, there was talk about sending in a team of SEALs to target Hussein. Two Bushes and a Bill decided it's more "moral" to let the war machine and profiteers do their thing. Morality 101... One genocidal maniac.... hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars during a huge financial crisis. Hmmmm.....
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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

'9/11 Christians' Plan Their Own Church Near Ground Zero

Intolerance and hate have no place on the grounds of 9-11. So many nationalities, races, religions and other groups lost loved ones there. It should be a shrine to those who fell, and to the indomitable spirit of Americans to band together in any disaster and move forward.

For one group to claim a piece of the real estate while they express h@te and intolerance, especially one who claims to be followers of the icon of love and forgiveness, is to sp!t on the memory of our fallen loved ones and those qualities that make America great.

Muslims who want to build a center where the whole community can come together deserve our support far more than this gang of fake Christians.
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Godfried Danneels, Belgian Cardinal, Offered To Keep Sex Abuse Case Quiet Until Bishop's Retirement

You're right, there are many, of all faiths, who find meaning, comfort, joy in something higher, spiritual. There are also some who prey on others, and use religion as a tool to find or control their victims. And you can often tell which type of person they are by their actions.

It's not the gospel of Christ or religion that causes abuse. That's entirely a human trait. We've seen what happens when people like that get into positions of authority, whether on a local or global level, whether secular or religious. Just don't let their actions sour your faith. There are plenty of us who keep looking forward with hope, looking up for comfort & guidance, and looking inward for change. In this crazy, mixed up world, it's more important than ever to nurture our faith.
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Sharron Angle Won't Disavow Claim That Some Members Of Congress Are 'Domestic Enemies'

It makes me nauseous to think that I agree with Angle on something. Congress sold our voice to the lobbies years ago. And every year corporations dump millions into their coffers to keep their relationship strong. So strong that Congress regularly turns their backs on the citizens, ruins lives, undermines the country and gives themselves a collective pat on the back for a job well done. If that doesn't qualify them as enemies of the people, I don't know what does.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Glenn Beck Rally Will Be Like Moon Landing, Wright Brothers, & Rosa Parks All Rolled Into One Massive Orgasm Of American History

"Glenn Beck Rally Will Be Like Moon Landing, Wright Brothers, & Rosa Parks All Rolled Into One Massive Orgasm Of American History"

In other words the rally will be from another planet, barely get off the ground, taken away on a bus, and a self-induced euphoria for Beck's own history of hyperphenating into a microphone.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Michael Enright Charged With Hate Crime: Ahmed Sharif, Muslim Cab Driver, Attacked For Religion

The way we define a hate crime, it's almost like one life is more valuable than another. Used to be the heinous nature of a crime made it worse, now all we have to do is assign a race or gender difference and it automatically becomes the ugliest offense, with folks more insistent about seeing justice served. I think we should be more consistent with all criminals and less prone to react on our differences alone. Most crimes involve some kind of hate. Justice should be meted out by what they do, not by what we think their intention was.
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UFOs 'On The Record': Generals, Pilots And Government Officials Talk About What They Know (PHOTOS)

Everybody has a cell phone with a camera, lots of folks carry expensive photography equipment, and groups are devoting their lives and careers to searching for intelligent life. Yet all the pictures are blurry, uncorroborated by other cameras at the same time, and the specialists are still searching. And no contact. Hmmmm....
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Teen Hearing Loss: 1-In-5 U.S. Teenagers Has Slight Hearing Loss

It doesn't take an "expert" to suspect hearing loss from headphones and car speakers. Heck, my Schnauzer could figure that out. Here's how it went when I was a kid:

Dad: Turn down the music.

Me: What?

Dad: Turn it down right now

Me: What?


Me: What?
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Aerial Surveillance Used To Enforce Laws

Every so often, it's good to look up, smile for the cameras and flip them off.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Gen. David Petraeus Cites Progress In Afghanistan, Hedges On July 2011 Troop Withdrawal

"Never Ending Progress"

In civilian terms that's like saying a "little bit pregnant."
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Pill That Shapes Fetus Genitalia Cuts Chances Of Homosexuality In Girls

If anyone is capable of unconditional love, it would be God. We're the ones who are imperfect. We show misunderstanding, intolerance, and try to define larger things in limited terms. We make enemies of each other over things that shouldn't matter... gay/straight, religion, politics, race, nationality, and a host of other "differences". When someone comes out, they often lose friends, siblings and even parents and family ties. I can't imagine how a parent could stop loving their child and be so cruel. For us to really develop a relationship with God, we have to learn to drop the the enmity with each other. Refusing to do that is turning our backs to love, faith, society and all kinds of growth and happiness.

Fanned and fav'd
About Health
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Philip Markoff, Alleged Craigslist Killer, Found DEAD, Commits Suicide In Jail Cell

Some people are in so much physical or emotional pain they feel there's no other way. They're not cowards. They need our empathy and help before it gets to that point. The ones who ARE cowards are those who choose suicide instead of being found out, caught or punished. And the ones who still have control and should be thinking about their loved ones and the pain they'll feel instead of wallowing in their own self pity.

Big difference between wanting out and being clinically depressed or overwhelmed with pain. Ability to think cognitively or not. Markoff made his bed and wanted out of it. Coward. I know others who struggled valiantly until they couldn't stand the pain anymore.
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Nancy Grace Donating Book Proceeds: 'I've Been Pretty Mean...So This May Be My Only Ticket To Heaven'

Nancy Grace: "And she's buying a stairway to heaven."
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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Chris Dodd, Top Democrat, Fights Against Elizabeth Warren

Of all the people in the country, Warren is the one they need to give the reins, and the authority to knock heads.

She clearly understands what's going on, who's involved, and what needs to be done. She cares about the truth and the interests of citizens. She has guts and integrity. No one can be trusted more. If you want to see grown men quake over their dirty hands and secrets deals, mention her name and a position of authority in the same sentence.
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Monday, August 09, 2010

The End of Times: Do Scientists and Fundamentalists Concur?

Every few years we get a prophecy of doom. Fundies and evangelicals seem to alternate to a schedule with scientists over who gets to be the spokesman. Meteors, sunspots, freezing, earthquakes, hurricanes, lifestyles, evil, wars, disease, ..............

I believe in both science and religion. (Yes, you can do that) I choose to live in hope, not fear, of the future. So no matter who the current voice is behind the Chicken Little mask, it doesn't take me long to change the channel.

Realistically, disasters happen all the time. There's more than enough out there to be paranoid of, let alone some global catastrophe that somebody thinks might happen, over which we have no control. What's the point? Just be prepared for stuff that's more likely and let the rest go. Make the most of our lives while we can. The Bible says no one knows, and warns of many false prophets who say they do. Looks like they were right about that.
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Sunday, August 08, 2010

Tony Perkins: Prop. 8 Judge Should Have Recused Himself Because Of His Sexuality

Let's see... don't like a flawless opinion, check. Don't like the law, check. Don't like being schooled on human rights, check. Having trouble with tolerance even though unfeigned love is supposed to be the basis for your faith, career and life, check. Case of homophobia driving you to act in an antisocial manner, check.

Looks like you have 3 choices... repent and become a better person, drop the charade and come out of the closet, or the typical, no-brain loser approach... call the judge names and try to ruin his life with malicious gossip. Just how much integrity DO you have, sir?
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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Brian May, Guitarist for Queen, Discovers 150-Year-Old Photos Of An English Village -- In Stereo Vision

May has always married art and technology. He and his dad built his guitar from scratch, the one with the famous sound. And nobody plays Queen like Brian May. Every bit as unique and gifted as Mercury, but with a different set of "vocal chords."

I'm anxious to get this book and find out what he saw when he first laid eyes on those pictures,and how he enhanced their magic through the rest of the project.
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Friday, July 30, 2010

Al Gore Sexual Harassment Charges DROPPED: Portland Authorities Won't Pursue Case

There are actually a lot of folks in both camps who watch Mr. Gore. At first glance the message is altruistic. Global Warming and our need to change the way we treat the environment. Great! But if you look past that, you see a man who set up an entire trading/speculating industry based on the ruse that you can buy forgiveness for hurting the earth rather than changing your lifestyle. Every speech he gives drives money through that business and into his pocket. He's selling indulgences by making people feel guilty!

Then look at the huge house, where it consumes more power than the rest of the county day and night. The jet trips all over the world. The hundreds of millions of our hard earned dollars he talked congress into giving to his friends in Europe to develop sports cars that none of us will ever be able to afford. The other excesses and lees than moral behavior.

On the surface, he looks like a saint. But deep inside he's just another televangelist.
About Al Gore
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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alex Rodriguez Worried About Losing Money In Texas Rangers Auction

This man hits a ball with a stick and runs in circles. He deserves $25 million. Mrs Swensen taught him and countless others the value of an education. She deserves to live under the poverty level.

(sounds of coughing and violent retching)
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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What's Next?

It's interesting how you speak to us about forcing Washington to act now to stem economic disaster, so soon after you talked them into giving hundreds of millions of our hard earned dollars to your pet projects in Europe. You know, the ones who develop overpriced sports cars that we will never, EVER, be able to afford.
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Monday, July 26, 2010

Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, Supports Cutting Entitlements, Citing 'Me-First' Attitude Of Beneficiaries

Citizens always get the short end of the stick. No more benefit cuts for the working and lower classes. Start cutting the millions in bonuses, subsidies and loopholes. There's no earthly reason why bankers who ran their business into the ground should get bonuses, big or small, or companies like big oil that make astronomical profits should get subsidies.

Congress... it's time to take your hands out of their wallets and noses out of their nethermost regions. Grow a pair and stand up for the folks who voted for you. Tell your buddies you can't play anymore. You have a job to do. So DO IT, DANG IT!!!!!!!
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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Predrag Matvejevitch Must Not Go to Prison!

If he's such a great intellectual, either he should have known that what he did was illegal, or perhaps he did it with full knowledge in spite of the law. Likely the latter because he lived in exile.

Nelson Mandela served time and became more influential because of it. Is your friend better than Mandela? People don't make successful stands for change against a government by shaking their finger and then crying for mercy. They do it by being bold, and being prepared to become a martyr if necessary.

Whether or not a law is just, if you break it you face the punishment. It doesn't take a high powered brain to understand that. Nor should having one make anyone exempt from the law.
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Friday, July 23, 2010

Obama Blames Media For His Administration's Firing Of Shirley Sherrod

So many gossip mongers, slinging the same feces as the one who made up the lie in the first place, caring more about blaming one who wasn't involved for the ruin of an innocent by the liar.

When you hear something juicy and scandalous, before you start flapping your gums, take a time out and get the facts. Before you lay blame, find out where the guilt really lies. Before you join the mob in tarnishing reputations and assaulting character, think about the consequences of false accusations.

Pres. Obama didn't edit the tape to sound ra cyst. He didn't post it, didn't force the media to have a feeding frenzy over it, didn't fire the victim, didn't even KNOW about any of it until after the fact. Yet you blame him for everything from causing the fiasco to firing Sherrod to being intimidated by Faux. Don't you think he has more important things to do than sit on tv and radio playing mind games with people whose job it is to stir up controversy? And don't you have anything better to do than blame him for something he had nothing to do with?
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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

David Leonhardt: Climate Bill, Like The Country, Overcome By Heat And Inertia

A little perspective...

The actual change is about .13 deg C per decade, not enough difference for humans to feel. So when you're complaining that it's hot outside, remember it's summer. Don't act like you'll catch fire if you step out the front door. Yes, it's getting warmer, and there are climate changes, but freaking out about it won't make it any different. Constantly looking over our shoulders for melting terrain or fire from the sky is a miserable way to live. We should make a habit of naturally doing what we can for the environment and living our lives without constant fear.
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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Are Science and Religion Compatible?

The only thing that makes science incompatible with religion is ego. Too many folks on both sides thinking their side holds all the answers and the only truth, and then trying to belittle anyone with an opposing view.

Neither side hold all the answers, and they weren't ever meant to. It's like thinking a study of journalism in school makes you a better mathematician. We have brains... we were meant to study and learn everything we can. We have hearts, too. We're meant to use them... to develop love, purpose, faith, and other things that are unavailable through other means.

If there is a God, and I believe there is, it makes sense that he would understand the laws of nature far better than we do. It's been said "The Glory of God is Intelligence." The Bible is not God's primer on science, it's a history of one portion of the human family and teachings they received on how to live, get along, and find meaning in life. Ancient man would never have understood things like quantum physics or even basics like evolution. When the need arose to tell them where we came from, it was done in a simple way they could grasp, creative periods in steps, beginning with basic elements and ending with what we now see. When you think about it, that's what evolution also teaches.

Let's drop the walls and shake hands. We're all in this together.
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Monday, July 12, 2010

Is There a God or Is There Nothingness? New Scientific Paradigm

I can see where you're coming from. My point is you can't prove there is no God, and I can't prove there is.... but so what! We all have a right to believe, or not, as we choose. There's no reason to battle over it or try to demean each other.

Quantum physics gives rise to some pretty mind-bending theories. If you had a mind like that, you might follow the pack or have your own take on things. If not you might shake your head and think they're nuts. It doesn't mean they are or aren't, nor does it give either side a reason to feel superior or act condescending.
About Spirituality
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Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is There a God or Is There Nothingness? New Scientific Paradigm

We're a society that likes "either" and "or." We have to boil everything down into simple terms so we can feel we're right and the other person is wrong. Then we apply that philosophy to things we don't understand, hoping to fill in the cracks later. But the great minds never discovered anything through blinders and colored lenses.

The universe is so vast and awe inspiring, and what we understand about it only proves how much more we don't understand. We can no more prove there's life out there somewhere than we can determine whether or not they're more advanced than we are. But we hope there's other beings, like us, somewhere. Isn't that like faith?

We argue about who's right, yet neither can prove it. And all we do is make the divide wider and walls higher. If I find more meaning in my life through faith and you don't, so what? It doesn't mean one's better than the other, or more intelligent. Nor does it give any of us a decent reason to verbally abuse each other. What's REALLY CRAZY isn't a belief or a person, it's how we treat each other over beliefs that can't be proven either way.
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Friday, July 09, 2010

Bob Bennett Predicts A Harry Reid Victory, Casts Doubt On GOP's Prospects In The West

Bennet always has someone to blame for his woes. His canned emails to his constituents are some of the most accusatory, nasty forms of passing the buck I've ever read.

Hey Bob, wanna know why I chose to never vote for you? It has nothing to do with tea parties, political games or other failed candidates. It's YOU! You don't listen to the folks who voted you in. You don't have the courtesy to acknowledge when they try to reach you, or even bother to set up an autoresponder with a fake howdy or thanks. You are deep inside the pockets of the lobbies and power brokers and have such little regard for citizens one wonders why you bother to show up for work at all. There's an opening for a greeter at Wally World, but then I wouldn't be able to shop there. That would mean supporting you more than we all will for the rest of your life, and all for nothing in return.
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Sunday, July 04, 2010

Scientists Make Immune Cells In Mice That Fight Off HIV

I hate to be a stick in the mud, but every exciting advancement in HIV, and other diseases, is followed by a rush for publicity and donations, followed by..... silence. In 3 decades the best we can do is keep our loved ones alive by constantly taking toxic drugs that cost a fortune. It costs my son over $2000 a month and gradual damage to his liver. And if we can't afford it or get help, we start planning a funeral.

The same thing has happened with cancer and most of the other major diseases. The promises for more than 50 years that we're on the "verge of a cure." But if you get sick you find out all they have are long term treatments that get progressively more expensive.

As long as the drug companies are allowed to get rich making drugs that just keep us going, we will never see a cure for anything.
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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Consciousness and the End of the War Between Science and Religion

You miss the point so easily, bud!

I am a devout Christian. I have never had a desire to dominate anyone or be dominated. Only want to live a decent life, enjoy my time, raise my family and maybe help someone along the way if I can. There are a lot of folks out there just like me!

Your accusations and overgeneralizations about people of faith are absurd and offensive. I tried to reason with you. Your answer revealed tunnel vision and unwillingness to see anything past your own colored lenses.

Granted, you've seen people who claim to be religious acting in vulgar and dangerous ways. They are not representative of all religious people. They're hypocrites who wouldn't know Christ if he sat down at their dinner table. They don't speak for me or any of the others I know.

We've also seen Atheists act out in some pretty offensive ways. Do they speak for you? Of course not! That's silly.

Whether or not a person believes in God is NOT A MARKER OF POSITIVE OR ANTISOCIAL BEHAVIOR! Mrs. O'Hare, while following an Atheist agenda, was also extremely adept at being caustic, mean spirited and angering even the closest associates to the point of violence against her and her family. Are all atheists like that? Don't many live quiet, unassuming lives as good neighbors and citizens?

What you choose to believe, or not, about a higher power has nothing to do with a "logical pathway... to evil acts."
About Spirituality
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Consciousness and the End of the War Between Science and Religion

There is also a clear, logical pathway to each of those terrible things by any human being for other reasons. More people throughout history have died at the hands of secular leaders and countries than religious. The statement "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" is true. Anyone with that much power over a group, army or country will use whatever tool he can to control the people.Religion is one of those tools.

A study of the Gospel of Jesus reveals much about the need to love, forgive and be tolerant. When followed, it leads folks to work together in peace. Much the same way peaceful Muslims are sometimes whipped into a fighting frenzy by corrupt men who do not live by the Koran, wicked leaders perverted the gospel and convinced people that the Crusades were justified. Of course it's much easier if you keep the people in poverty and illiteracy. Pol Pot, Stalin and many others used different tools with the same results.

The tools used are not the cause of the destruction. It's human nature that causes some to dominate and destroy others. They may employ religious fervor, bias, racism, or many other methods, but the cause is almost always the same... power and wealth. That's what leads members of Congress to pander to lobbies and turn their backs on the people, and dictators to abuse their citizens, conquer other nations and commit genocide. Not religion.
About Spirituality
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Spiritually Bankrupt

All it would have taken is concern enough for the victims to seek justice. Turn the offenders over to the law and cooperate fully. Instead they ignored the victims and hid, protected and reassigned the perpetrators. A few victims actually got settlements, but it wasn't given to them out of caring, rather to prevent more trouble and keep them quiet. Now they cover their considerable assets with bankruptcy games. You don't do something like this without an awareness of culpability.

Instead of doing the right thing they dug themselves deeper into the mire. Now that it's hitting the fan they act like victims and dig deeper in.

There are a lot of really good Catholics. It's some of their leaders that have serious problems. It'll be hard to lead their flocks from prison, and even harder to earn back the trust they should never have jeopardized. And the damage done to innocents and families will carry on for generations.
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Consciousness and the End of the War Between Science and Religion

You make a good point, and in some ways I agree. For example Prop 8, where rights had already been given yet many fought to take them away. That made me mad twice. First because so many felt justified in discriminating, and second when I got blamed for being a part of it simply because of my church membership. Another would be the recent news about id10ts changing the school curriculum to include only "science" based on a literal reading of Genesis and nothing about natural principles, evolution or other sciences.

Standards are set by a society. The founding fathers based much on their backgrounds of Judeo/Christian principles, but they wrote it in a more secular way to avoid one group control. Yet some keep trying. Whether it's fundies pushing their own standards, minority groups bucking the majority or individuals being squeaky wheels. Sometimes change is good, especially when it means greater rights for everyone. Sometimes we take it too far. For example, most Americans celebrate Christmas in one way or another. Carols, programs, lights, presents, it's a fun tradition for some and very meaningful for many. Inevitable you get a person or small group who complains, as if celebrating a holiday is somehow causing abuse. So we change the words, take down the decorations, silence the school concerts. What a waste!

We need to be able to discuss important changes and relax about other stuff. Be sensitive with others and less with ourselves. No more "us vs them".
About Spirituality
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Consciousness and the End of the War Between Science and Religion

There's a bigger picture here. This "war" isn't just about science and faith. It's what we do. Whenever there are differences, we take whatever side we're on, hoist it up on the truth pedestal and hurl expletives at the other side. If they have the nerve to hurl back it can get nasty.

Science and religion, party politics, race, immigration, standard of living, anything where our differences are either obvious or simply perceived triggers our ridiculous "us vs them" mindset and threatens a new civil war.

We live in a country where we are free to believe anything, or nothing, as we wish. But we forget these rights belong to ALL of us. We forget that we're all in this together... neighbors trying to live our lives the best we can. We forget the lessons we should have learned throughout our history. Tolerance is the way we've solved our problems. Intolerance makes everything worse. It threatens the very fabric of our nation.
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Consciousness and the End of the War Between Science and Religion

Interesting thoughts on one of the "us vs them" battles we continue to have. But any sense of objectivity you hoped to express was lost near the beginning when you casually dismissed one whole side of the equation, and then aligned yourself with the other at the end.

Science and faith are not an either-or situation. Neither has a monopoly on truth. Yet zealots on both sides insist they have all the answers. Not only is that a flawed position, it shows closed minds, which strangle the curiosity necessary for discovery. Real science and faith have a few things in common... the need to learn, to be open to change, to find understanding, to improve life.

I like to put it this way... science is studying the chemical reactions than make a firefly glow. Faith is spending an evening in a meadow, filled with wonder at the beauty of the flickering lights. Both activities are enriching and important. Neither debunks the other. Having both experiences can increase your understanding and joy, and refusing to acknowledge one limits you in ways you may not know.

Truth comes in many forms. Putting on blinders limits how much one can learn. Dismissing science, faith or anything else, and berating others for what they believe, or choose not to, belies a stunted growth, self-inflated ego, and is a good indication that there are experience we will never have with closed minds.
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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Dick Cheney Hospitalized

Dear Lord,

Please keep Mr. Cheney alive long enough so we can find someone with the guts to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.

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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Former Enron CEO Jeff Skilling

Looks like the court needs a housecleaning as much as congress does. The voice of the people was sold by congress long ago to the lobbies. Not to be outdone, the less-than-supreme court has legitimized influence peddling, bribery, and now corporate fraud. Like their legislative counterparts, they've turned their backs on the people and snuggled up with congress inside the corporate wallet.
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Tiki Barber: I'm Broke

Money, fame, adoring fans, fantasy world. Now you get a little dose of reality and you're broke? Either you're a selfish j6rk trying to hide your assets & avoid responsibility or you lost your fortune, marriage, career, reputation due to severe lack of intelligence and character deficiencies. Either way makes for a pretty unflattering portrait.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Arizona Wildfire Evacuations: Arson Suspected As More Than 1,000 Homes Evacuated

P1$$ off the population.... stoke the fires.

Next they'll probably outlaw water and firefighters from out of state to put those fires out.

On second thought, maybe it was PETA protesting the animals running the state!
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Clean, Baby, Clean

OilCo has been handing out bribes like candy and drugs since the first black gold came out of the ground. Most members of congress and the inspectors are easy targets. Those with scruples take more finesse and bigger envelopes. But everyone has a price. Thousands and millions are petty cash to the oil companies. Cheap insurance for the unencumbered race toward greater profits without regard for safety, environment, country, citizens, animals, law, morals and any other insignificant road bump.
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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Tony Hayward REMOVED From Gulf Spill Operations, Carl-Henric Svanberg Says

It's so nice for him to get his life back. Just like all those fishermen, their families and the others whose jobs, homes and lives were ruined. And all those lovely animals covered in goo or floating to the bottom of dead zones.
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Sunday, June 13, 2010

You Decide...

Utah Oil Spill (PHOTOS): 500 Barrels Spill Into Red Butte Creek After Pipeline Breaks

This is one of my favorite places to walk the dog. Almost uncountable ducks, geese and other birds call it home. In addition to the huge pond there are fountains, streams and little ponds, lawns, huge old trees, hills, an island gazebo, an aviary, rides and playgrounds, paddle boats, tennis, pool and a historical building/museum. From before dawn to late evening you'll find the park filled with folks walking, riding bikes, running, playing with kids and dogs, relaxing and all manner of fun activities. But even more, the birds are there 24/7, raising little ones, enjoying the clean water and lush grounds, living in peace among the people. Until now...

Thanks to the folks at Chevron, it's over. Poisoned. And the fowl who lived there in trust are fighting for their lives.

I know it pales in comparison to the gulf, but it's the same kind of destruction, the same death brought to us by the people who make more than any other companies in history. Greed is more important than safety, integrity, environment and lives.
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Friday, June 11, 2010

Arkansas Flash Floods Kill At Least A Dozen Campers, Dozens More Missing

With all our accomplishments, we think we're in charge of our world. Then Mother Nature gets angry and shows us just how helpless and insignificant we really are. Those who've felt her fury understand a bit of what these poor folks went through. Our hearts go out to them, and prayers for comfort and healing.
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Sunday, May 30, 2010

50 Cent's Weight Loss DETAILS: How He Did It, How Far He Went

Lots of entertainers lose and gain for roles. When Christian Bale did it for the Machinist, he lost way more than One Cent, and nobody said a word. Then in the six weeks after filming he was bulked up and ripped for the role of the Bat, and nobody said anything. This punk loses some weight and the presses come to a screeching halt. Have any of you seen his video/movie? Attack of the Killer Tomatos was less moronic, repetitive and far more entertaining.
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Saturday, May 29, 2010

BP Says So Far, Gulf Well Plug Isn't Working

They've done the exact same things they did 30 years ago, with the same failed results. You'd think 3 decades would be enough to think of at least ONE positive step to take! Well... it could have if anyone in the oil industry gave one whit about people or the environment. They worship the almighty dollar, and make more of it than anyone else in history. They wouldn't pay for safety measures, and WE will end up carrying the burden for their criminal acts.
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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Anti-Government Man Jerry Kane Jr., Teenage Son Reportedly Killed Police In Deadly Shootout

Nevermind the Middle East. Our greatest threats are our neighbors. As long as we keep the "us vs them" philosophy alive it's gonna get worse. Much worse. Those who feed it, in the media, in Congress and other public figures, love the controversy, the feeling of power they have to make folks get in an uproar. They won't quit without our help. Vote them out, boycott shows and products that fund them, educate people, speak out.

But it will also take positive efforts across the board to get folks to tear down walls and shake hands. America can be great again if we, the citizens, don't destroy it through animosity and apathy.
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Texas Board Of Education Approves More Conservative Curriculum

Instead of diluting history, we need to learn the truth so it doesn't keep happening. Schools also need to teach problem solving, stress reduction and relationship building skills. We send them out in the world to make a buck but they're completely unprepared to deal with others, life in general and how to have meaningful relationships. And while we're at it, there are plenty of other, more appropriate places to learn about religion if that's what you want. Teach the sciences in school as they are, not through a community lens. Science shouldn't be flavored or tainted by by an agenda for or against anyone's belief system.
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Sunday, May 16, 2010