As a Utah voter, I personally don't care who she has a personal relationship with, what religion she is, or isn't, how she dresses, what she has for dinner or anything else like that. What's her character? Where does she stand politically? What will she do for her constituents? Will she put them before party interests? Will she stand against the lobbies? These are the things I consider before I step behind the curtain to vote.
With all due respect, I'm sure the growing gay community in Salt Lake, which I have family ties to, will be thrilled at the prospect of her in office. And that's fine. But I want to know if she can help to bring about better tolerance and make equal rights the norm rather than something to battle over. Will she be a voice for change, without galvanizing the sides against each other? That's what we need, someone who can reason and negotiate, bring down walls so others are willing to see past them. Make us understand that we're all in this together, and that we owe each other courtesy and respect.
PS, Matheson is nothing like his father. Too bad. He could have used the name for good.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost