It's interesting how much over-generalization there usually is when discussing Christians, Evangelicals or Jews, let alone an issue that involves them all. We take for granted that the loudest and most prominent voices represent everyone in a category. There are more varieties of Christians than paint samples at Sherwin Williams. Most live quiet lives with varying degrees of faith and adherence to tenets of their church. And those who claim to be "God's voice" are often so far removed from the things Jesus taught he wouldn't recognize them.
I'm a Christian, and have done my share of teaching others in years past, but I don't look at the Jews as a stepping stone in my quest to bring the end of days closer. I revere the people and places where the gospel first developed. They helped set the stage for the birth and life of my Savior. Their history and stories can have value in our lives. I look at the Jews as neighbors, human beings like us. Also as a society who were once "chosen and blessed" but have become a "hiss and a byword" just as the scriptures predicted. It shouldn't have to be that way. I don't have any agenda for promoting Armageddon. I'd much rather see folks come to their senses, shake hands and sit down at the table to work things out.
Christian, Atheist, Jew... labels to call attention to differences and ignore how we should all work together.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost