It's interestin
g that in a pointed article on wealth and financial ruin, you find it necessary to take potshots at the faith of folks as if that's the root of all evil and not the human characteri
stics that cause some to dominate and take advantage of others, some to mindlessly work and support and others to crumble and fall by the wayside.
We will never solve our problems by feeding the already frenzied "us vs them" battles going on between what should be neighbors and fellow citizens. Congress is too busy burying their noses in the wallets and posteriors of corporatio
ns to care what happens to us. Our only chance is to work together. To once again develop a voice and make it heard. That will never happen as long as we squabble over what unprovable things we choose to believe or not or where we find our own meaning in life instead of focusing on the problems that affect us all and drag us down as a nation into ruin and anarchy.
How can we fix greed, apathy, power-mong
ering, hopelessne
ss, crime, intoleranc
e and a host of other character flaws that have taken us over? Not by condemning each other or telling each other what we should or shouldn't believe.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost