Most polarizing
? On any given day, look at these forums under any topic and see how many of the comments promote the "us vs them" philosophy
, and what the difference is. At the top of the list is political party. Every page has folks spewing venom at others because of their party. 2nd to that is religion.
The problem is, we attach labels to others that carry all this animosity without knowing or caring what kind of person they really are. We don't like what a politician did, and he has a (R or D) after his name, therefore everyone who has that letter is a ... (insert epithet here). We do the same thing with all our difference
s. I had a bad experience with a ..... so they must all be ..... Works for atheist, religious, ethnic, political, sexual, gender, any of the difference
s we all have. The more we try to prove our own view the more we become tainted by the very bi @s that Rep Grayson is talking about.
I won't be voting for Mitt, but it has nothing to do with his faith.
About Mitt RomneyRead the Article at HuffingtonPost