My dream is to have a congress that represents the needs of the people and the best interests of the country, not one that represents corporate and special interest, plays party games, refuses to do their jobs and engages in activities that border dangerously on terror and tree son. I'd like to have legislators that go in, make a difference and go back to their jobs. Not career politicians who get salary and benefits for the rest of their lives no matter how long they served. Publicly funded (exclusively) campaigns where normal, working class citizens have a shot at public office, not public offices purchased by millionaires and corporations who expect full attention and servitude in return. Parties who balance congress, look out for their constituents and shake hands after working together on positive legislation. Legislators who will play hardball with the president if needed, but are right there with him/her in the trenches working to make the country better. The lobby and all forms of influence peddling made illegal, with mandatory punishment for everyone involved, including legislators.
But I keep waking up to find my dream has vanished and our country has the best congress money can buy.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost