Saturday, August 27, 2005

Pulling Out Of Iraq

It's an awful fact that soldiers are not the only casualties of war. Mothers, fathers, familes are all affected. Lives are changed forever. Another terrible fact is that you can't reason with a terrorist. They have an ideal. They're obviously willing to give their lives for it. In fact, life is not important to them. That's why they torture and kill their enemies.

They hate Americans for many reasons. Their leaders, from Osama to Sadaam have vowed war on us. They view our attempts at negotiation as weakness. The last time we fought Sadaam, after we pulled out he claimed victory. He continued his reign of propaganda and terror. He tortured and killed his own people. He trained and funded insurgent groups. He stood proudly and defiantly in the face of the "capitalist pigs." And now, in spite of being captured as a coward, he is proclaiming himself a martyr in an attempt to further fuel the fires.

I don't like war. I never understood why countries had to send their children to be slaughtered because their leaders couldn't agree on something. Better to put the leaders in a ring and let 'em duke it out. Save a lot of lives and money that way. But this situation is different. Whether you agree or not with why we're in Iraq, we ARE there. Pulling out too soon will guarantee that the extremists will regain power and the citizens will lose across the board.

It will also send a message to terrorists everywhere that they are winning, that we truly are weak, that we don't keep our word. We're too busy arguing amongst ourselves and living our "infidel" lifestyles to care about what they do. We'll empower them to make bolder moves against us. It's no longer about staying out of other peoples' business. It's about stopping the disease before we become so infected that we can't survive.

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