Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Eliminate the Lobby

In light of the recent lobbying scandals, I posted the following comments on Huffington Post. It's a response to Ms. Huffingtons article on lobbyists who have family ties to politicians.

Don't start with just family ties. Lobbying should be outlawed, period! Congress isn't there to serve special interest. They're supposed to serve the people. Their capacity to do that is destroyed by the constant "wine and dine, scratch each other's back" mentality in Washington.

Gone are the old days when representatives met at great personal sacrifice, in a locked room with no ventilation, and drafted the Constitution. Where are the men and women of honor who devoted their lives to making this country a better place? Instead we have prople who make a career of wallowing in perks, padding each other's wallets, feeding their bloated egos and acting irresponsibly without consequence.

Start with eliminating the lobby. Then move on to term limits and all the other reforms we need on the hill.


ablur said...


We need a government of the people by the people and for the people.

We don't need a government of the special interests by the special interests and for the special interests.

It's not original but it definitely needs to be said.

Mort Snerd said...

Thanks for commenting, ablur. I like how you put that. BTW, your site is great! You have a wonderful way of expressing things.