Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cults, Religion and Politics

Many are quick to blame all religion for the abuses and crimes of some kooks. Jesus never taught the things they do. They distort the gospel to serve their own perverted interests.

But then, we do the same thing politically. Our party system makes enemies of us all. The Constitution was designed to ensure our rights, freedoms and help us work together as citizens. Yet politicians abuse it for their own gain and we end up hating each other along party lines.
Parties are a lot like cults. We pay homage to flawed leaders, follow and defend policies that serve special interests and benifit mainly the elite. And we mistrust and spew venom at anyone who marches to a different drummer.

The problems aren't caused by faith in either the Constitution or the Savior. But rather in "radical clerics" of whatever flavor. And in our tendency to be an us vs. them society. People who are quick to criticize but apathetic about extending a hand. Sad!

This was submitted to Huffington Post as a response to anti-religious comments after an article about cults.

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