More Muslims lost their lives in the twin towers than caused them to come down. More Christians lead quiet lives trying to live their faith than march as b! gots. Yet we all get so uptight about the few cr@ck pots we overgeneralize, lump them all into a category and blame the whole group for something they had nothing to do with.
Treating our own neighbors like enemies over a civic center that could benefit everyone in the community! Blaming all Christians for the actions of a few antisocial nuts! Blaming all Muslims for an act of terrorism not condoned by Islam and performed by a handful of radicals.
As long as we keep our us vs. them mindset over all our differences, we'll foster intolerance and fear, let chaos rule the cities, states and country, and inspire those who would commit acts of terrorism and treason, from outside our borders and within.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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