Limiting rights and heaping restrictions on lawful citizens won't make us "Better Than This." The only way to do that is to open our eyes to the reasons our country is violence-prone and do something about it. We live in an "us vs them" society. Whatever differences we have, political party, class, race, language, religion, sexual orientation, and a string of others, are twisted into reasons for us to forget we're Americans and turn us into bitter enemies. In every forum, social website, around the water cooler, in lunchrooms and board rooms, across the dinner table, in the media, even in the halls of Congress, everywhere you turn people are expressing and fostering intolerance. We need to knock it off. Start acting like neighbors. Pulling together. Stop teaching our children the bi @s of their parents. Change the way we interact. THAT.... will make us "Better Than This." If we don't, things will just get worse no matter how many laws we make and rights we lose.
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