Not to take away from Gabby, who is amazing and beautiful... if this was an article about Michael Phelps in a magazine devoted to promoting how gorgeous, talented and intelligent people with his flesh tone are, it wouldn't matter how gifted a swimmer he is. There would be negative remarks. So many Americans think it's ok to celebrate one pigment over others, as long as it's not the lightest one. And anyone who shares hues is immediately identified as only one end of the spectrum.
If this sounds silly, it is. In reality, we're all a blend of something. That's not who we are, and should have very little bearing. We're Americans, first and foremost. Those among us who excel represent not only themselves and their families but all of us. The hue makes no one better than another, It's what's inside that drives us, makes us improve, makes us beautiful. Gabby and Michael know this. We need to be reminded, and believe it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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