Wednesday, July 06, 2005

To Candidate John Kerry

It's interesting to note that when things start getting too hot for John Kerry, he calls upon Pres. Bush to stifle the voices of his critics. After the first amendment, what's next to go? Mr. Kerry, we've heard you whine, complain and throw blame, but we still don't know what you believe or who you really are. The record doesn't quite match the inflated image.

On the other hand, Mr. Bush is an open book. We know who he is and what he stands for. His are the kind of values most Americans want in the Oval Office.

I support the right of citizens to "shoot off their mouths." And not just your pals from the Swift Boats, but you, too! Incidentally, if you want them to be silenced, why not lead by example? Publicly denounce Michael Moore for his attacks on the White House and his support of your campaign. That might even get you a standing ovation! (Written 8/22/04)

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