Thursday, September 15, 2005

Banning the Pledge of Allegiance?

I'm so sick of us having to tippytoe around and change our policies and beliefs because someone might be offended.

This is America. You are free to believe whatever you want here. But when one faction tries to force their beliefs on the other by law, that is unconstitutional. It shouldn't be allowed. That's what's happening here. Atheists, who are a very small minority, are trying to force the whole of the nation to comply with their own beliefs. They have convinced judges they're right, which makes it a legal case promoting one "faith" over another. That's expressly forbidden in the constitution.

"Offended" is a much abused term. Here it's an emotion brought on by the intolerance of a few toward the many. Wow, what a great reason to legislate against the majority of the country!

In America, we celebrate Christmas. If you don't believe in Santa Claus, that's your business. But don't take away our right to celebrate just because you happen to differ. Part of celebrating Christmas is remembering Jesus with reverance. If you don't believe in Jesus, that's fine. Celebrate whatever you want or whoever you want. I don't go to Iran and tell them not to observe Ramadan. I don't disrespect Jews for their holidays and beliefs. If you're the only Jew in a school full of Christians, don't take the school board to court because you might be offended that they celebrate the holiday with programs and songs. It's a national holiday, for crying out loud!

In America, most of us believe in God. Some worship a heavenly man. Some worship a vaporous cloud. Some worship money. Some worship themselves and expect us to. Some choose not to worship. Whatever. Your right to worship or not isn't more important than mine. Tolerance!

In America, we speak english. If you want to live here, you should learn it. If I moved to Bolivia and expected their government to cater to me, do you think they would? But here, we spend millions publishing everything in 40 languages so we won't "offend" somebody.

In school we learn American history coupled with patriotism. The pledge of allegiance is part of that. If you don't like it, don't say it, but don't take it away from the rest of us.

If there's something you'd like changed, bring it up with your congressman. If it has merit, it can be voted on.

America was born of a desire for freedom. Freedom from tyrants, freedom to worship, freedom to speak our minds. Part of having those freedoms is having tolerance for others, and that goes both ways. Someone is going to have a different set of values than you. If you don't like what I believe, that's your right. If you allow yourself to become offended, get over it!

If you don't like it here, there's the door. Don't let it hit you where the good Lord split you!
Americans, don't bow down to the intolerant few who want to force us to comply. Be proud of who we are. Stand up for a change and be counted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There should be no mention of God in or on anything governmental. Money, walls, laws,ect. Just because most people beleive in God dosnt make it right. We protect the minority in this country( or atleast were supposed too).