Friday, September 16, 2005

Cindy's Visit To Louisiana


Your article was interesting. I do have to ask you a few questions…

“The people in LA who were displaced have nice, if modest homes that are perfectly fine. I wonder why the government made them leave at great expense and uproot families who have been living in their communities for generations.”

Where have you been? Many of those homes are under water or destroyed. And lots of those “nice” homes are slums. Did you actually go to New Orleans or look at any pictures? And it was the local and state leaders who gave the evacuation order- which was DESIGNED TO SAVE THEIR LIVES!

“When I think of how many other poor neighborhoods are being decimated and made so desperate and hopeless by the failed policies of the Bush administration, it makes me so angry”

Don’t understand much about the welfare system, do you? It’s a breeding ground for dependence. It was that way LONG BEFORE Pres. Bush, and if the Dem’s get their way this next election it will outlive us all. Not to mention the huge problem of government corruption in New Orleans. Their own leaders have been fostering poverty for years.

“One thing that truly troubled me about my visit to Louisiana was the level of the military presence there.”

Ummm, again, where have you been? There’s been a huge argument by dem’s about how there aren’t enough troops because of Iraq and how the feds wouldn’t get the guard in fast enough. They are there to help in many ways. Why are some being used to keep the peace? Because some of the locals are living in anarchy. Looting for food is one thing I think we might all do. But when they overpower the police, steal and destroy property, terrorize the citizens and shoot at rescuers, I think you can safely say they’ve crossed the line. And you cry “governmental fascism.” Shame on you!

“If George Bush truly listened to God and read the words of the Christ, Iraq and the devastation in New Orleans would have never happened.”

So now you claim Pres. Bush isn’t truly religious because he can’t control the weather?

“The failure in every level of our government is criminal negligence.”

You say that, but the only finger you point is at Bush. Are you saying that he’s responsible for everyone’s criminal negligence? He made Mayor Nagin ignore his own disaster plan? He made Gov. Blanco drag her feet? And everyone else that had a part in the grand dropping of the ball?

You talk a lot about your visit to Algiers. How they came through the hurricane relatively unscathed, and yet they were devastated. How there was no flooding there, but they want a boat to provide help to people in flooded areas. How the poor were forced from their nice homes in spite of the approach of the largest hurricane disaster in American history. How lawlessness is rampant, but you want the soldiers moved out immediately. How there was no help for them until your Veterans for Peace showed up to save the day. You convey the message that Algiers is a town with no leadership, who are totally dependent on the federal government which does nothing, and they are now saved by you and your flock. Does that about cover your editorial?

And then you manage to get in this statement: “One thing George has taught us is that we are self-sufficient and we have a country that is worth fighting for and we are not going away.” So the “greatest terrorist in the world” taught us that we who totally depend on the government are self sufficient, that our country is worth fighting for even though you abhor having our soldiers fight abroad and at home. And that you are not going away, which you will because Algiers is only a short photo op on your way to Washington!

Cindy, you either need a new speech writer or you need to take your medication and get some rest. The country will be okay without you while you’re gone.

Note: Cindy Sheehan's article can be found at

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