Every few years we get a prophecy of doom. Fundies and evangelicals seem to alternate to a schedule with scientists over who gets to be the spokesman. Meteors, sunspots, freezing, earthquakes, hurricanes, lifestyles, evil, wars, disease, ..........
I believe in both science and religion. (Yes, you can do that) I choose to live in hope, not fear, of the future. So no matter who the current voice is behind the Chicken Little mask, it doesn't take me long to change the channel.
Realistically, disasters happen all the time. There's more than enough out there to be paranoid of, let alone some global catastrophe that somebody thinks might happen, over which we have no control. What's the point? Just be prepared for stuff that's more likely and let the rest go. Make the most of our lives while we can. The Bible says no one knows, and warns of many false prophets who say they do. Looks like they were right about that.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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