Monday, June 27, 2011

Jared Loughner Will Be Forcibly Medicated By Prison Officials, Says Defense

That's not what I meant. In almost every case you have everyone and their dog looking out for the interests of the accused. We provide national media attention, medical and mental health care, attorneys, counselors­, pay his expenses, try to understand why he did it and if there are mitigating circumstan­ces, plenty of time for appeal after appeal, etc. And the lawyers negotiate to find the easiest solution and plead him down. The list goes on.

What do we do for the victim? Drop their charges, rip them to shreds in court and toss them out the door as we speed by on our way to the next big case. They're a basket of dirty laundry thrown in a corner and forgotten.

How many here know the name of the little girl that was killed or why she was there at the time? How many victims were there in all? What have we done for them? They're human beings with lives, loved ones, families, futures, and those futures were crushed in seconds by a monster we all know intimately­. We spend a lot of time and energy discussing every aspect of a piece of scum, and none at all on the innocent lives he changed forever.
About Crime
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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