They may have unlimited resources, but so do you! Your carbon offset speculatio
n and trading industry is making money hand over fist. Every speech, movie, presentati
on is a sales call. The more folks get upset the more they give. They think they're erasing their footprint on mother earth. In reality, what doesn't go into the profit pot often goes to projects that don't benefit us. How's that uber-expen
sive hybrid roadster coming along? You got congress to cough up a half billion of our money for that one. Money and jobs that would have benefited Americans being funneled away for something so expensive a limited few will ever be able to afford one.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a denier. We need to take better care of our earth. But I get suspicious of anyone who makes profits when they preach doom and stir panic. And I don't think paying indulgence
s to a trading company absolves us of the damage we've done. That's the easy diet pill approach. It never works, but someone gets rich.
We have great minds and hard workers. We can solve the energy crisis and clean up much of the damage. To get it done we need to turn our backs on the energy barons and fear mongers, get off our butts and get our hands dirty. We have to want it bad enough. Otherwise, we can all just keep polluting, buying overpriced fuels and feeling good because we mailed a check somewhere.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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