Saturday, October 01, 2005

The Sky Is Falling!

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling!" - chicken little

"Scientists" and doomsayers have been quoting chicken little for thousands of years. Fear is a good sales tool for converting people to whatever their agenda is. But I have yet to see the sky actually fall.

There's so much propaganda out there, it can be hard to tell where the truth lies. There's always an alternative view, and sometimes they happen to be right! Whether global warming is really the issue, or cyclic weather changes, it makes no sense to cry panic. What does make sense is a general trend toward progress. Taking better care of the environment must be balanced by the needs of the people.

Less dependence on foreign oil is good for America. Stop allowing corporate fuel and energy to suppress innovation. We need to learn to use our own resources more efficiently, and not just for environmental reasons, but economical as well. And we can develop alternative methods. More jobs, self sufficiency, less control by foreign powers.Our people will be better off, and it'll help mother nature, too!

Besides, the way we're going, greed and hate will kill us all long before the arctic ever could.

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