Sunday, October 23, 2005

Corruption in Congress

With the Democrat witch hunt going on right now, it's easy to lose sight of the whole picture. All parties and government bodies are infested with corruption. Our system breeds it. We send these people to represent us. In the process they get power and money. They have lobbyists clammoring to schmooze and woo them. They get perks up the wazoo. And... we usually look the other way as they break the laws and trust they were elected to protect.

In the interest of fairness, here are a few links to articles about some Dem's involved in the "game:"

Democratic Senators Who Live In Glass Houses... Kevin Aylward

The most corrupt member of Congress?
Doug Thompson

Extremely Corrupt Democrats mole333

Leftists Corrupt the Pulpit Michael Reagan

Lawmakers For Hire

We need to make some changes. Accountability, term limits, ban on lobbies, to name a few. If we don't, congress is guaranteed to grow bigger, richer and far more corrupt (if that's possible!)

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