Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Pick A Side And Stick With It


I started my usual activity of finding all the contradictions and mistakes in your article. This time, though, I had to stop. I realized there's a bigger picture here.

I was remembering all you've written about prayers, and faith, and vigils. How you countered Congresswoman Musgrave's "hostility" with an offer to pray for her serviceman son. How you felt the need to shower after meeting with some of the legislators.

And the more I read your words, the more I realized that they are filled with contention and hate. It became clear that these are the words of someone who will say and do anything to prove a point. Your constant name-calling and mud slinging is supposedly offset, somehow, by your "Joan of Arc" personna. You're no more a Christian than Pat Robertson is!

I used to think you were a grieving mother who became disillusioned and deluded. Now I recognize you as just another activist with an axe to grind.

Your talk of faith and prayer reminded me how Jesus spoke of those who pray openly- to be seen by others. How their words speak of Him but their hearts are far from Him. Stop using your faith as a badge and a tool. It's unbecoming. You can't declare the love of Christ and spit venom in the same breath.

You make life harder for those with real faith, especially with all the anti-religion bigots out there. Jesus taught love, tolerance, forgiveness. Not hate, intolerance and name-calling. Pick a side and stick with it!

(This post was written in response to Cindy Sheehan's article on Huffington Post:)

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