There is also a clear, logical pathway to each of those terrible things by any human being for other reasons. More people throughout history have died at the hands of secular leaders and countries than religious. The statement "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" is true. Anyone with that much power over a group, army or country will use whatever tool he can to control the people.Rel
A study of the Gospel of Jesus reveals much about the need to love, forgive and be tolerant. When followed, it leads folks to work together in peace. Much the same way peaceful Muslims are sometimes whipped into a fighting frenzy by corrupt men who do not live by the Koran, wicked leaders perverted the gospel and convinced people that the Crusades were justified. Of course it's much easier if you keep the people in poverty and illiteracy. Pol Pot, Stalin and many others used different tools with the same results.
The tools used are not the cause of the destruction. It's human nature that causes some to dominate and destroy others. They may employ religious fervor, bias, racism, or many other methods, but the cause is almost always the same... power and wealth. That's what leads members of Congress to pander to lobbies and turn their backs on the people, and dictators to abuse their citizens, conquer other nations and commit genocide. Not religion.
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