Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spiritually Bankrupt

All it would have taken is concern enough for the victims to seek justice. Turn the offenders over to the law and cooperate fully. Instead they ignored the victims and hid, protected and reassigned the perpetrators. A few victims actually got settlements, but it wasn't given to them out of caring, rather to prevent more trouble and keep them quiet. Now they cover their considerable assets with bankruptcy games. You don't do something like this without an awareness of culpability.

Instead of doing the right thing they dug themselves deeper into the mire. Now that it's hitting the fan they act like victims and dig deeper in.

There are a lot of really good Catholics. It's some of their leaders that have serious problems. It'll be hard to lead their flocks from prison, and even harder to earn back the trust they should never have jeopardized. And the damage done to innocents and families will carry on for generations.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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