You make a good point, and in some ways I agree. For example Prop 8, where rights had already been given yet many fought to take them away. That made me mad twice. First because so many felt justified in discriminating, and second when I got blamed for being a part of it simply because of my church membership. Another would be the recent news about id10ts changing the school curriculum to include only "science" based on a literal reading of Genesis and nothing about natural principles, evolution or other sciences.
Standards are set by a society. The founding fathers based much on their backgrounds of Judeo/Christian principles, but they wrote it in a more secular way to avoid one group control. Yet some keep trying. Whether it's fundies pushing their own standards, minority groups bucking the majority or individuals being squeaky wheels. Sometimes change is good, especially when it means greater rights for everyone. Sometimes we take it too far. For example, most Americans celebrate Christmas in one way or another. Carols, programs, lights, presents, it's a fun tradition for some and very meaningful for many. Inevitable you get a person or small group who complains, as if celebrating a holiday is somehow causing abuse. So we change the words, take down the decorations, silence the school concerts. What a waste!
We need to be able to discuss important changes and relax about other stuff. Be sensitive with others and less with ourselves. No more "us vs them".
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