Interesting thoughts on one of the "us vs them" battles we continue to have. But any sense of objectivity you hoped to express was lost near the beginning when you casually dismissed one whole side of the equation, and then aligned yourself with the other at the end.
Science and faith are not an either-or situation. Neither has a monopoly on truth. Yet zealots on both sides insist they have all the answers. Not only is that a flawed position, it shows closed minds, which strangle the curiosity necessary for discovery. Real science and faith have a few things in common... the need to learn, to be open to change, to find understanding, to improve life.
I like to put it this way... science is studying the chemical reactions than make a firefly glow. Faith is spending an evening in a meadow, filled with wonder at the beauty of the flickering lights. Both activities are enriching and important. Neither debunks the other. Having both experiences can increase your understanding and joy, and refusing to acknowledge one limits you in ways you may not know.
Truth comes in many forms. Putting on blinders limits how much one can learn. Dismissing science, faith or anything else, and berating others for what they believe, or choose not to, belies a stunted growth, self-inflated ego, and is a good indication that there are experience we will never have with closed minds.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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