There are actually a lot of folks in both camps who watch Mr. Gore. At first glance the message is altruistic. Global Warming and our need to change the way we treat the environment. Great! But if you look past that, you see a man who set up an entire trading/speculating industry based on the ruse that you can buy forgiveness for hurting the earth rather than changing your lifestyle. Every speech he gives drives money through that business and into his pocket. He's selling indulgences by making people feel guilty!
Then look at the huge house, where it consumes more power than the rest of the county day and night. The jet trips all over the world. The hundreds of millions of our hard earned dollars he talked congress into giving to his friends in Europe to develop sports cars that none of us will ever be able to afford. The other excesses and lees than moral behavior.
On the surface, he looks like a saint. But deep inside he's just another televangelist.
About Al Gore
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