So many gossip mongers, slinging the same feces as the one who made up the lie in the first place, caring more about blaming one who wasn't involved for the ruin of an innocent by the liar.
When you hear something juicy and scandalous, before you start flapping your gums, take a time out and get the facts. Before you lay blame, find out where the guilt really lies. Before you join the mob in tarnishing reputations and assaulting character, think about the consequences of false accusations.
Pres. Obama didn't edit the tape to sound ra cyst. He didn't post it, didn't force the media to have a feeding frenzy over it, didn't fire the victim, didn't even KNOW about any of it until after the fact. Yet you blame him for everything from causing the fiasco to firing Sherrod to being intimidated by Faux. Don't you think he has more important things to do than sit on tv and radio playing mind games with people whose job it is to stir up controversy? And don't you have anything better to do than blame him for something he had nothing to do with?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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