Monday, July 26, 2010

Neel Kashkari, TARP Guru, Supports Cutting Entitlements, Citing 'Me-First' Attitude Of Beneficiaries

Citizens always get the short end of the stick. No more benefit cuts for the working and lower classes. Start cutting the millions in bonuses, subsidies and loopholes. There's no earthly reason why bankers who ran their business into the ground should get bonuses, big or small, or companies like big oil that make astronomical profits should get subsidies.

Congress... it's time to take your hands out of their wallets and noses out of their nethermost regions. Grow a pair and stand up for the folks who voted for you. Tell your buddies you can't play anymore. You have a job to do. So DO IT, DANG IT!!!!!!!
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

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