Friday, October 28, 2005

Science vs. Religion

It's funny to listen to both sides accuse the other of being closed-minded when they are both equally as guilty of BEING closed-minded. It's like the battle between doctors and those who practice natural medicine. Both sides have something to learn from the other. There's room in this world to co-exist.

To think that science understands and explains everything is ludicrous. Every year the "facts" change. Scientists are the first ones to "cry heresy" over new ideas that don't fit the mold. And what they don't understand, they discount or ridicule.

Not long ago, we were supposedly headed for an ice age. Now it's global warming. Ok, people of "rational thinking," how can the "facts" be so opposed.

You accused religion of mind control and ruling by fear. Yet scientists take their latest pet theory and tell the world we're all doomed unless we follow their instructions. So-called rational minds have forced our country to abandon alternative energy production for the sake of safety and environment. Now that we're dependant on foreign oil, they blame us for putting life in jeopardy and say we should be finding alternative energy sources.

On the other side of the arguement, if Catholics are right, then the Protestants are all apostates and they lose. If the Protestants are right, then the Catholics either never had the truth or they changed and lost it. If that's the case, Protestants came from apostasy and they still lose. So who's right?

All people have much to learn. There's plenty of room in the world for learning and co-existing, but very little room for bias and bigotry.

If there is a God, and I believe whole heartedly that there is, He would have a greater understanding of science than what our puny, finite minds can comprehend.

Filed under: Religion News


Anonymous said...

You are not fooling anybody who takes a few minutes to read your very slanted writings.

While cloaked in phony magnanimity, you come across as fundamentally (no pun intended) dishonest.

Closer inspection reveals you are basically spouting just another version of righty/GOP/ propaganda.

Mort Snerd said...

Sorry you feel that way, Nikto. I fail to see how you think I'm so dishonest, but you're entitled to your opinion.

Anonymous said...

It is a scientific theory (also called the scientific method) not just any ole theory and that what determines what should be taught in science classes. Religion and religious theories can be taught in other classes, you just can't call it science if it doesn't follow the rules set forth by the scientific method. It isn't that they don't understand it, it is just that it is not science. It's like playing basketball in Art class. While it maybe an art to dunk a basketball, it is not "Art". Does that make sense? Many scientist do not see any thing wrong with creationism and evolution coexisting - just not in science class. I believe God gave us out minds to use to thier fullest and that science and religion can coexist in faith.

Mort Snerd said...

You're right. Science and religion CAN coexist in faith. Next time you post, I invite you to use a name. It'd be interesting to have a dialogue. Thanks for visiting!

Anonymous said...

Anon, you missed his point.

We don't know a fraction of what we pretend to know. To claim otherwise is being ignorant about our ignorance.

Talk to a PhD in any science subject, he will admit there is a great deal that is assumed to make their theories work.

Scientific method is used to try and disprove a theory - not to prove it.

"An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: What does happen is that the opponents gradually die out." - Max Planck, pioneer in quantum theory

Mort Snerd said...

Very well said, Allan. And I enjoyed your article and site.